Continuing the Legacy: Accessing Valuable Resources from the Earth Leadership Program
Since its founding in 1999, the Leopold Leadership Program/Earth Leadership Program has had an amazing run. The program trained over 250 fellows, built a vibrant network of transdisciplinary scholars, and seeded the formation of leadership training programs for faculty and graduate students around the U.S. and the world. Many of the fellows are now in leadership positions in universities, NGOs, and government.
Many host organizations – The Ecological Society of America, Oregon State University, the New England Aquarium, Stanford University, and Future Earth – helped make the program a success, along with the Packard and Moore Foundations, our primary funders. We are also grateful to the directors, Jane Lubchenco, Pam Matson, Chris Field, and Sharon Collinge who envisioned, strategized, and kept the program innovative and current.
Based on the current landscape of other leadership training efforts, foundation funding preferences, and university priorities, the LLP/ELP advisory board has decided that the best path forward is to sunset the cohort training program. Future Earth will continue to make available the resources developed over the years, and will support ongoing fellow networking as it emerges. You are invited to browse and use the excellent resources on leading teams, creative problem-solving storytelling, case studies and more.

Collective Leadership Framework
Addressing today's environmental and sustainability challenges calls for new forms of individual and collective leadership. The Earth Leadership Program adapted the concept and dimensions of this framework to help academic environmental leaders around the world become agents of change within and beyond their universities. We embrace a leadership model that encourages individuals to cross boundaries and work collaboratively to transform systems. This collective leadership model is well-suited to academic researchers who rely on broad networks to advance sustainability.
Watch this short video to hear fellow explain the six dimensions of collective leadership